Vanuatu, 2013 - 2015, Quarterly Statistics Indicators

Date modified: 15 February 2022

Record captures Vanuatu quarterly statistics indicators, published annually by the Vanuatu Statistics Office (VNSO) from 2013 - 2015. Report contains a wide range of statistics, collected and processed by the VNSO from a variety of sources. Energy data of interest in this report include:

Annual energy consumption for Port Vila, Luganville, Malecula, Malicolo, Tanna (kWh). Annual fuel imports for home consumption - petrol, diesel, kerosene (litres)  Quarterly CPI by expenditure group - housing & utilities, transport Exports by value and volume - coconut exports Selected 10 major imported items in value - ADO, jet fuel & aviation kerosene, motor spirit, motor vehicles Annual Summary of overseas trade - exports and imports in Vatu. Breakdown for Port Villa & Luganville. Private motor vehicle registrations in Port Vila & Luganville

Reports are sourced from the VNSO Website

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Alternate Identifier 4677
Issued 2022-02-15T04:38:50.377676
Modified 2022-02-15T15:38:50.309894
DCAT Type Text
Source Vanuatu Statistics Office