Women United Together in Marshall Island’s (WUTMI) expands its support service for women to Ebeye

Date created: 05 April 2022

Surveys have shown that one in three Marshallese women have experienced some form of abuse in their lifetime. ‘RMI’s rates of violence against women and children are staggering and unacceptable for a nation whose culture is built on peace, care and love for family and clan …’ said Women United Together in Marshall Islands’ (WUTMI) Executive Director, Daisy Alik-Momotaro. With Pacific Women support, WUTMI expanded its support service for women and children survivors of domestic and family violence out to remote and island locations. The new centre in Ebeye island provides support to survivors of violence along with education and awareness to help prevent gender-based violence.

Data and Resources

Issued 2021-02-01
Modified 2021-02-01
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name Women United Together in Marshall Islands (WUTMI)