Population Raster New Caledonia 2020 Data Input: Settlement footprint from Facebook's High-Resolution Population Density Maps https://data.humdata.org/dataset/new-caledonia-high-resolution-population-density-maps-demographic-estimates Population allocated proportionally using 2011 census population counts at enumeration area (districts de recensement) level. Year Population Growth Rate of 0.2% (0.001957) has been applied to update population up to 2020 The human settlement footprint with census population allocated has been converted into a 100 m resolution raster.This is a demo version, SDD is still evaluating the methodology but given the COVID outbreak the dataset has been early released. Name NCL_Pop_Grid_2020 CRS EPSG:4326 - WGS 84 - Geographic Extent 163.5861999048190683,-23.0962631750323126 : 168.2151999048190589,-19.3442631750323137 Unit degrees Width 4629 Height 3752 Data type Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point GDAL Driver Description GTiff GDAL Driver Metadata GeoTIFF Compression LZW Band 1 STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=474 STATISTICS_MEAN=7.915529035075 STATISTICS_MINIMUM=0 STATISTICS_STDDEV=16.178160143005 More information AREA_OR_POINT=Area Dimensions X: 4629 Y: 3752 Bands: 1 Origin 163.586,-19.3443 Pixel Size 0.0009999999999999980693,-0.000999999999999999804