Stock of coral-reef fishes
Palau Environment Data Portal Publications
The Nature Conservancy’s Mapping Ocean Wealth Project: Modelling and mapping fishing pressure the current and potential standing stock of coral-reef fishes in five jurisdictions of...
Ecosystem and Socio-economic Resilience Analysis and Mapping - Vanuatu
Vanuatu Environment Data Portal Publications
The report addressed three main tasks: the mapping of key ecosystems for Vanuatu and Tanna in terms of their type, condition and the ecosystem services they potentially generate; an...
Social mapping and analysis of ecosystem use - Port Vila
Vanuatu Environment Data Portal Publications
This technical summary document reports on the findings from the first phase of ESRAM activity that was conducted in Greater Port Vila between January and June 2016. Whilst it was...
Resource mapping
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
Papua New Guinea Resource Information System Handbook
Regional Institutional Mapping Assessment Report
Federated States of Micronesia Environment Data Portal Publications
Climate change has been identified as the single greatest threat to the livelihoods, security and well- being of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs), and presents major...
Tuvalu Wind Resource Monitoring
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Publications
Wind resource measurements have been carried out on Funafuti but only at the 30-metre level. An average wind speed of 5.79 m/s was recorded, and the consultant making the assessments...
Tonga Wind Resource Monitoring
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Publications
Wind assessment carried out on Tongatapu by the University of the South Pacific. Forum for Energy and Development (FED) and the Government of Denmark supported a pre-feasibility study...
Federated States of Micronesia Wind Data
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Publications
A limited wind resource assessment has been carried out in Yap and sufficiently high wind areas have been located on the main island that may allow cost effective power generation....
Kiribati Wind Resource Mapping
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Publications
A recently completed wind survey indicates that the windward side of Kiritimati Island has sufficient wind resource to provide cost-effective generation. One of the main issues is...
Marshall Islands Wind Resource Mapping
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Publications
There is a moderate seasonal wind resource in the RMI, with perhaps sufficient wind for energy development in the northernmost islands. However, there is very little data on wind...
Nauru Wind Resource Mapping
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Publications
Nauru’s wind resource is not well known although, based on airport and National Aeronautics and Space Administration wind data, it is probably only marginally cost-effective at present...