Samoa Environmental Outlook, 2012
Samoa Environment Data Portal Publications
An assessment framework based on key habitats in Samoa: cloud forest and uplands lowlands, coastal strand nearshore marine, offshore marine, and rivers and streams climate change, air...
Human-crocodile conflict in Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
There is a lack of reliable information on the population status of saltwater crocodiles and the extent of human-crocodile conflict in the country. This report thus summarizes the results...
Public environment report for logging operation in Vula customary land, Western Province
Solomon Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
The purpose of this PER (Public Environment Report) is to assess the impacts of the planned logging operations and to propose measures to mitigate adverse impacts of the operations by...
Call for Letters of Inquiry East Melanesian Islands Biodiversity Hotspot Large and Small Grants
Solomon Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
CEPF is designed to safeguard Earth’s biologically richest yet threatened terrestrial regions, known as biodiversity hotspots. CEPF is a joint initiative of l’Agence Française de...
National Waste Management and Pollution Control Strategy 2017-2026
Solomon Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
The Solomon Islands National Waste Management and Pollution Control Strategy 2017-2026 is the country's roadmap for managing waste and controlling pollution in the natural environment for...
Japanese Technical Cooperation Project for Promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management in Solomon Islands Phase II
Solomon Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
This contains reports, photographs, pdf,jpeg data on the J-PRISM II Project.
Student Research Materials
Solomon Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
This contains awareness materials,presentations and promotional materials in the form of photographs, posters, brochures, pull up frame banners, videos and reports.
Ranadi Landfill Rehabilitation
Solomon Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
reports, photographs, surveys , aerial photographs of the ranadi landfill site
Cruise Report_Samoa 2017
Samoa Environment Data Portal Publications
In December 2017 the 100 Island Challenge partnered with American Samoa Department of Marine & Wildlife Resources Coral Reef Advisory Group to survey reefs around the islands of...
- Publications
RMI National Nuclear Commission Act of 2017
Republic of Marshall Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
An Act to establish a National Nuclear Commission for the Republic of the Marshall Islands and related purposes
National Nuclear Commission Act of 2017
Republic of Marshall Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
An Act to establish a National Nuclear Commission for the Republic of the Marshall Islands and related purposes
National Report : United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)
Republic of Marshall Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
A 1991 report that reviewed the state of the environment and development in RMI, and the constraints and opportunities for sustainable development.
RMI National Environment Management Strategy
Republic of Marshall Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
This dataset contains the published national environment management strategies of the Republic of the Marshall Islands
Papua New Guinea E-agriculture Strategy (2017-2023)
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
Agriculture s the foundation of and heart of the rural PNG economy with over 85% of its 7.5 million people depending on the sector for their livelihoods. This sector is faced with so many...
From extraction to inclusion
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
This report stems from a simple observation: that since Independence in 1975, Papua New Guinea’s economic and social development outcomes have not matched people’s aspirations or...
Environmental values
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
This is an economic evaluation of the compensation to which Papua New Guinea’s customary landholders - wrongly dispossessed through Special Agricultural Business Leases (SABL) - might be...
Country Environmental Profile Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
Report is financed by the European Commission and is presented by Mr. Wayne Borden and Mr. Gareth Ward of MWH SA for the Government of Papua New Guinea and the European Commission. It...
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
JICA Country Profile on Environment of Papua New Guinea (PNG) was carried out by the Planning and Evaluation Department Japan International Cooperation Agency in February 2002. This 37...
Breaking down the poverty - environment relationship in PNG conceptual framework
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
Research of the poverty-environment relationship in PNG and the Conceptual Framework behind it