Zones clés de biodiversité (KBA - Key Biodiversity Areas)
Open Data Nouvelle-Calédonie Publications
Généalogie : >> Juin 2016 (date de mise à jour) : Une nouvelle version (v2) est désormais disponible. Quatre nouvelles zones ont été créées sur la partie terrestre.Deux nouvelles...
Rapid Biodiversity Assessment of Key Biodiversity Areas
Samoa Environment Data Portal Publications
Biological Rapid Assessment Program (BIORAP) was conducted from July 16 to August 3, 2016 in three Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) in Samoa: the Central Savai’i Rainforest KBA Falealupo...
Literature review of Terrestrial Biological Survey information in Samoa
Samoa Environment Data Portal Publications
This report is the review of terrestrial biological information in Samoa and was written by MNRE with the technical support of Conservation International (CI).
Samoa's National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP)
Samoa Environment Data Portal Publications
This dataset hosts all the published NBSAP of Samoa.
Palau Ridge to Reef Island Diagnostic Analysis Technical Report
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Publications
Anon. 2021. Palau Ridge to Reef Island Diagnostic Analysis Technical Report. Suva: Pacific Community. 72 p.
Rapid coastal assessment of Tagabe River catchment report, Port Vila, Vanuatu
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Publications
Sobey, Milika. et.al. Rapid coastal assessment of Tagabe River catchment report, Port Vila, Vanuatu. Suva, Fiji: SPC. 48 p.
Rapid coastal assessment (RapCA) in the Hihifo District, Tongatapu.
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Publications
Stone, K. et.al. Rapid coastal assessment of (RapCA) in the Hihifo District, Tongatapu. Suva, Fiji: SPC. 46 p.
Rapid coastal assessment of the Marine Environment of Tuna Bay, Bootless Inlet, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Publications
Saulei, Simon. et al. Rapid coastal assessment of the Marine Environment of Tuna Bay, Bootless Inlet, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Suva, Fiji: SPC. 72 p.
Diagnostic et plan d'action pour la conservation, réhabilitation et restauration de la biodiversité terrestre aux Gambier : volet avifaune
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Diagnostic et plan d'action pour la conservation, réhabilitation et restauration de la biodiversité terrestre aux Gambier : volet avifaune. Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie : Communauté du...
Activités du projet RESCCUE en Polynésie Française
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Anon. 2018. Activités du projet RESCCUE en Polynésie Française. Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie : Communauté du Pacifique. 7 p.
World Database on Protected Areas
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) Dataset
The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global database of marine and terrestrial protected areas, updated on a monthly basis, and is one of the key global...
Coral reef biodiversity community based assessment and conservation planning in the Marshall Islands 2002
Republic of Marshall Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
Coral reef biodiversity community based assessment and conservation planning in the Marshall Islands 2002
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets
Kiribati Environment Data Portal Publications
Dataset that provides a direct link to Kiribati's data hosted on the GBIF website/ records.
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) datasets
Palau Environment Data Portal Publications
This dataset provides direct internet links to Palau's data hosted on the GBIF website/ records.
- Publications
Environment - Related International Agreements
Vanuatu Environment Data Portal Dataset
List of international environmental related agreements and conventions to which Vanuatu is obligated to. adopted from the Vanuatu National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2018 -...
Reports to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Vanuatu Environment Data Portal Publications
This dataset holds all national reports submitted by Vanuatu to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Note : 4th national report missing - to be uploaded on the portal
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2018 - 2030
Vanuatu Environment Data Portal Publications
The Vanuatu NBSAP will be the main implementing strategy for the Environment Pillar of the National Sustainable Development Goals and Policies 2016-2030 environment goals and policy...
Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (MACBIO) - Vanuatu
Vanuatu Environment Data Portal Publications
MACBIO is a project that supports sustainable economies and livelihoods of Pacific Island Countries by strengthening institutional and individual capacity, to manage and conserve...
Protect the endangered species of plants and animals of Vanuatu
Vanuatu Environment Data Portal Publications
A translated poster identifying the endangered species of plants and animals of Vanuatu for protection.