The National Inventory of E-wastes, 2009
Samoa Environment Data Portal Dataset
This national inventory aims to provide a snap shot of the situation in Samoa in 2009 with the generation of electrical and electronic wastes, and the management practices involved to...
PIPAP Resource 2
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) Publications
This dataset has no description
Conservation needs assessment summary 2009
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
The Conservation Needs Assessment (CNA) for Papua New Guinea was requested by the government of Papua New Guinea and funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The...
Papua New Guinea Forest Susceptibility Map
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
Background 1996-2000: The PNG Forestry Authority (PNGFA) with support from CSIRO developed the Forest Inventory Mapping (FIM) System to specifically map forest and vegetation types using...
Papua New Guinea Environment Constraints Map
Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications
Background 1995: The environment constraints map was produced by CSIRO and added as extra layer under the PNGRIS Project after much discussion and debate to address the issue of forest...
FSM Nationwide Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management Policy
Federated States of Micronesia Environment Data Portal Publications
This dataset contains the FSM ‘Nationwide Climate Change Policy 2009’, which was endorsed on December 1st, 2009, and the FSM ‘Nation Wide Integrated Disaster Risk Management and Climate...
Wetlands of the Pacific Island Region
Cook Islands Environment Data Portal Publications
PDF Copy of the Wetlands of the Pacific Island Region by Joanna C. Ellison (2009)
Population légale de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
Open Data Nouvelle-Calédonie Dataset
Ce jeu de données présente les résultats des recensements de la population effectués en Nouvelle-Calédonie en 1996, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019. Les nouveaux chiffres de 2019 sont pris en...