NCL belongs to method 3 thus there was no need to generate a population grid. The analysis was carried out vector spatial approach Analysis for the Country Data with Type 3 (use % of area in buffer) NOTE: Calculate Area in World Cylindrical Equal Area (54034) projection (on-the-fly) Steps: 1. In ArcMap, set the Data Frame > Properties > Coordinate System > World Cylindrical Equal Area (EPSG:53034) 2. Added all relevant layers to the map (will be projected on the fly into the WKID 53034) 3. For EA/Admin polygons with population numbers, add column [AREA_KM2] to calculate the total area for each EA/Admin 4. Intersect the EA/Admin polygons with buffer zone 1/5km 5. The resulted intersect polygons: * add column [AREA_B1KM] to calculate the area for the EAs within buffer * add column [POP_B1KM] and calculate field = [totpop]*([AREA_B1KM]/[AREA_KM2]) LAYER FIELDS #NCL_Dist_4326# COMM: admin level code NOM_COM: admin level name DIS14: admin level code LIBELLE_DI: admin level name NOM_COMMUN: admin level naem NB_HAB: population 2014 census AREA_KM2: area of the admin level #NCL1kmBuff_4326# COMM: admin level code NOM_COM: admin level name DIS14: admin level code LIBELLE_DI: admin level name NOM_COMMUN: admin level naem NB_HAB: population 2014 census AREA_KM2: area of the admin level AREA_B1KM: area of the part inside the buffer POP_B1KM: estimated population within the buffer #NCL5kmBuff_4326# COMM: admin level code NOM_COM: admin level name DIS14: admin level code LIBELLE_DI: admin level name NOM_COMMUN: admin level naem NB_HAB: population 2014 census AREA_KM2: area of the admin level AREA_B5KM: area of the part inside the buffer POP_B5KM: estimated population within the buffer #NCL10kmBuff_4326# COMM: admin level code NOM_COM: admin level name DIS14: admin level code LIBELLE_DI: admin level name NOM_COMMUN: admin level naem NB_HAB: population 2014 census AREA_KM2: area of the admin level AREA_B10KM: area of the part inside the buffer POP_B10KM: estimated population within the buffer